The Rotary Club of Kenilworth 2002-2003
President: Bernard Beadle

Officers 2002-2003

President Bernard‘s Valedictory Address at the end of his year of office is here.

President Bernard Beadle shows his chain of office, accompanied by Past President Peter Roberts and
Mr Graham Johnson, the current Head of Clinton School, where Bernard was Headmaster before his retirement.

Kenilworth Rotary supports Youth Exchange, July 6th-20th 2002

Eight Youth Exchange Students from Warsaw spend a week in Kenilworth School,
and visit London, Alton Towers, Warwick Castle, Stratford
and other places of interest.

Mayor John Hatfield is declared ‘Citizen of the Year’ by President Bernard Beadle.
Click here for pictures of the Presentation and the Christmas Dinner, December 2002

The Annual Grocery Grab is won by the Mayoress of Kenilworth, Mrs Sally Hatfield. More Pictures.

Kenilworth Rotary sets up shop to provided professional information on blood pressure and the risks of stroke as part of a national campaign instituted by the Stroke Association. More Pictures.

President Bernard Beadle with his daughter Sandra
in full refinery for the Burns Night Supper at the Rotary Club of Southam.

Over a thousand runners start the 2003 Two Castles Run.
More pictures

A moment of contemplation as President Bernard delivers his end of term valedictory address.
More pictures of the handover to the new president

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