Grocery Grab  2003

Kenilworth‘s town mayoress, Mrs Sally Hatfield, has become the winner of the Grocery Grab competiton held annually at the Warwick and Kenilworth Sainsbury supermarkets. On Easter Monday morning she has the chance to fill a trolley with up to £250 worth of groceries at the Warwick Saltersford branch of the national chain.

Rotary President, Bernard Beadle, said: “This was the eighth such event arranged by the Club and we are pleased that after expenses have been paid in excess of £1,200 will be used to support local charities. Since the Grocery Grab began approaching £ 14,000 has been raised and for this we have to thank Sainsbury‘s for their assistance and the general public for their continued support and generosity.”

The scene at Warwick branch of Sainsburys:  Peter and Zig are well into their 2 hour stint selling tickets.

On the right, above, Colin and Derek have just taken over from Peter and Zig, but even as Zig is finishing he manages one last sale.  In the right hand picture below Colin’s banter succeeds in causing the customer entering  to buy tickets.

The scenes below are at Kenilworth’s branch of  Sainsburys.

Picking the winners: Mrs Hatfield’s ticket was drawn by Mark Houlgate, the guest speaker, at the Rotary Club’s weekly meeting on Monday evening, the second prize of a Sainsbury £100 voucher went to Mrs Pat Catto of Kenilworth and the £50 third prize voucher to Mr Chris Stuart, an independent financial adviser,of Coventry.
The Grocery Grab Begins: The Mayoress  considers what to collect.
Searching below for the best Olive oil and on the right  reaching to the lowest shelf to obtain a large packet of washing powder.
Time up!  How much has Sally collected?  Fortunately, packing is done with the aid of the manageress, Becca Cusdin.

Over £200 collected.  Below are two pictures of  Sally Hatfield. Accompanying her are her son and Rotary President (Bemard Beadle).

A Busy Easter Monday!

Whilst the Rotarians can go home for a late breakfast, Manageress Becca now has to start her day’s work.