Kenilworth Rotary Handover 2004:

President for 2003-4, Rotarian Philip Southwell gives his valedictory address at the end of his year of office, with (left to right), Maurice Holden, Joy Southwell and Zig Layton-Henry listening in various states of contemplation.

President Elect, Zig Layton-Henry, contemplates his future commitments.

Vice-President Elect listens wisely, though his task is yet to come ...

The chain of office is passed from Past-President Philip Southwell to President Zig Layton-Henry ...

... together with the club charter for safe-keeping for the new president’s year of office.

A little friendly advice is given ...

... and the new President presents flowers to the out-going President's lady, Joy Southwell. He has passed his first test.