Kenilworth Rotary Christmas Message, Monday December 19th, 2004:

The Mayor of Kenilworth, Pauline Edwards, (centre) and her consort with President Zig Layton-Henry (right).

President Zig presents Brian Nicol with the Citizen of the Year award for service to Kenilworth, as long-term chairman of the Kenilworth Footpath Preservation Group.

Phil Highley in a hard sell for the raffle to Stephenie and Graham Tall.

Roy Shearing counts the considerable proceeds of the raffle.

Jerry Duckett puzzles over the Christmas quiz as Quiz Master Bernard Beadle (right) remains silent about the answers (even though he set the quiz last week, Bernard can't remember much about it...)

Anne and Howard Burgess also ponder on the clues.

Cynthia Topham is in deep thought as Derek looks through the quiz.

Past District Governor David Rees knows the answer.

Founder member, Tom Roberts with Annette (left) and Betty Tisdale (right).

David Tall and Dudley Taylor.

Tony and Barbara Wareing with Keith Boulton in the background.

Beryl and Arnold Bolton.

Ann Midgley and Phyllis Mason.

Kay Prentice with Phil Highley.

Anelise from the hotel is presented with a cheque for their service during the year.

Sargeant-at-Arms, Colin Sallis with Maurice Holden and Phil ... Colin was later to raise nearly a hundred pounds for charity from members' donations.

Volunteers are organized by Phil Highley to present the panto-reading 'Dick Whittington'.

Narrator John Kelley begins the tale.

Characters Alice, Dick and the Fairy (right) each take their part.

But all ends happily ever after with the intervention of the Sultan Roy Shearing.

Pantomime Producer, Raffle Seller and Lord High Everything Else, Phil Highley contemplates his evening of triumph.

The Reverend Vivien Baldwin, Vicar of Stoneleight and Ashow presents the Christmas message, and follows that by winning a raffle prize, rounding off an evening of fellowship, fun and reflection.