Grocery Grab 2007
In 2007 raffle tickets were sold over the weekend 23rd to 25th March at Kenilworth Sainsburys and the weekend 30th March to 1st April at both Kenilworth and Warwick.

Click the triangle on the left to play.

Shopper Mr Peter Butler at Warwick Sainsburys is gently persuaded to buy a ticket by Rotarian Colin Sallis as Rotarian Peter Roberts looks on.

Colin Wilding and John Kelly selling tickets at Kenilworth Sainsburys.

Rotarian Graham Tall asks, ‘Can I tempt you sir?’

‘Will we win?’

Susan Tall draws the winning ticket on Monday April 2nd, supported by President Phil Highley.

Organizer Bob Kelly phones the lucky winner.

Winners Noel and Joanne Ashmore are ready for the two minute grab at Warwick Sainsbury’s on Easter Monday at 8.30 am.

They’re off!

President Phil congratulates them on their grab.

The items are accounted for.

The total is £217.20.

President Phil organizes vouchers to make up the full amount.

The final total.