Friday evening showed a number of events running simultaneously. One was the Talisman Old Tyme Music Hall at the Tipperary Inn.
 Friday night at the Tipperary Pub
 expectantly awaiting the Old Tyme Music Hall
 Rotarians Maurice and Colin dressed down for the occasion
 Rotary President Peter Roberts (centre) with past presidents Colin Chatham (left) and Colin Wilding
 Ladies of the Inner Wheel.
 John and Sue from Cleckheaton in Yorkshire
 Landlady and her Serving Wenches
 The Rev Phil Lowly preaches to the unconverted.
 Master of Ceremonies: Peter Amis
 Mike Grimes, tenor extraordinaire with wife Isobel
 Penny Wright with the little bit the boys admire
 Burlington Bertie aka Sam Harris
 Nobody loves a fairy when she's forty! At least that is what Geoff Barker-Mountford says.
 Busy Bee
 Addressing the audience
 The Finale