Kenilworth Citizen of the Year: Christmas 2009

Many who have enjoyed the exquisite floral decorations exhibited regularly at many public and private functions, realise that often they have a Kenilworth woman, Barbara Sheppard, to thank for those displays. Flowers have played an influential role in Barbara’s life from the days she began as a trainee florist at Birmingham’s Grand Hotel through to her training at Warwick University qualifying her to teach floral design and decoration.

When she and her husband moved to Kenilworth in the early 1970’s she quickly became active locally joining the parents’ group at the Priors Field Primary School, organising baby sitting and visitors arrangements. Joining the then Kenilworth Mothers’ Association, based at the Smalley Place Clinic, she became chairman at a time when a major commitment was overseeing their contribution to the castle’s 400th anniversary celebrations, a task which also included preparing and producing for charity a money-earning commemorative booklet.

When the multiple sclerosis respite centre opened at Blackdown support for its operations lodged with the Friends of Helen Ley House, a group of which initially Barbara was the secretary.  That was just the start.  She has since  recorded over 30 years service to the centre, actively chairing the Friends for 18 of those years and playing a major role in raising over £250,000  for refurbishing and equipping the home. This long and fulfilling service was recognised last year when she was awarded the Shining Star, the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s highest honour.

An adherent of St. Nicholas Church, for five years she headed its Scout Troop setting an example by encouraging it to pioneer  the annual  Christmas postal deliveries in Kenilworth which the Scouts still operate today.  It is also not surprising that the Flower Guild, which she leads at St. Nicholas, is widely recognised for the very high quality of floral decoration it provides; another public demonstration of Barbara’s artistry.