The Handover Meeting: President Peter reports a very successful year in which Kenilworth Rotary punched above its weight.
Peter displays the Presidential citation from RI President D K Lee ‘for outstanding efforts in reducing child mortality and making dreams real’.
Peter hands over the chain of office to President Philip Southwell
The Club Charter is also handed over, noting that the club had its foundation on August 18th 1960, meaning that we are approaching our fiftieth anniversary
Pam Roberts hands over the jewel of the President's Lady to Joy Southwell
All smiles!
Philip thinks about his address outlining his plans for the forthcoming year.
The club listens
Philip gets into his stride and declares his plans to shift the club into the 21st century, for his year at least
President Elect Graham Tall is given his jewel of office and lapel badge
Vice President John Dixon is given his jewel too
Flowers for the past president's lady
Flowers for the new
Paul Jaspal
Bob Kelly explains why he can't take photos for the press because he has left the charger for his camera somewhere or other
Rotarians listen to his explanation with interest as Roy Shearing uses the web-master's camera to take these photos
Sergeant at Arms, Phil Highley looks for Rotarians to fine to make money for our hospitality fund.
Colin Sallis pays up.
Even the President is found owing
The new President ends the meeting with pleasure