Archive: 2001-2 | 2002-3 | 2003-4

The Rotary Club of Kenilworth 2002-2003
President: Bernard Beadle

Officers 2002-2003

Given on 7th July 2003

I said last year, when the symbol of office was hung round my neck, that I was elderly and idle I said also that an idle man tended to be a good delegater. I inferred, even if I didn’t say it, that I looked forward to a year when I watched the hard working members of the club going about their Rotary business. I have to say that to some extent that has been so.

We have seen our well established projects brought to fruition once again.
The Art Exhibition, master minded by David Bracegirdle, may not have been an enormous financial success but it was, nevertheless, financially successful. In addition to raising money it very successfully gave Rotary a presence at the Town and Country Festival. David and all who helped deserve thanks.
The Grocery grab, too, was a financial winner and gave the town’s Mayoress, a great deal of pleasure when she won the first prize. I should say the Mayoress and her son, since he pushed the trolley round while she grabbed.
The Tin Rattle. When the time comes the Treasurer will tell us how we did on that morning. We benefitted from the public’s contributions, true, but this is another of those occasions when we not only raise funds but show the Rotary presence in the town.
Finally, the 10 Kilometres Two Castles Run. We all know about that, it is very recent in our memories. It has grown so much larger that Peter Roberts and his team had to introduce many alterations to our existing arrangements and thus provide for an even more efficient running of the race. There were snags, I know; but all were, I think, ironed out and lessons learned. My thanks, indeed the thanks of all the Club, must go to the group that did all the preliminary work. The event was, again, a huge success.
Before leaving the 10k Two Castles Run I must acknowledge the efforts of the brothers Tall and to Sue for their photography and the fine job thay have made of the “Run” page of the Club’s web site.

We have had a couple of social activities which were enjoyable and have also raised funds. Our second theatre visit was a winner. The Priory Theatre provided a sparkling performance and our “customers”, if I can call them that, quite considerably augmented our Charity account.
Thanks to Jerry & June Diuckett, our hosts, and to all those involved in the organisation of it, we had another successful babecue and wine auction. It also provided some excellent fellowship with our colleague Rotarians of Henly-in-Arden.
Not all our activities are necessarily money making. Two in particular, during my year, have been successful.
We started with our hosting of the group of Polish students. Anna Watson and her team did a fine job in organising the visit. Thanks must go to her, to her team and to all those who either hosted or helped entertain our visitors.
Then, of course, was our Christmas meeting when, in true British fashion, we included both the spiritual and the secular. We had an entertaining evening, we played silly games, we presented the “Citizen of the Year” award to the Town Mayor, for his life time of personal service, and not by virtue of his office. In conclusion our speaker delivered a message which was timely and thought provoking.
There was one new activity this year: Stroke Awareness. In common with Rotary Clubs all over the country we provided an opportunity for members of the public to have a blood pressure check. Circumstances meant that we could only provide this service for a morning, possibly we might be able to improve on that in the coming year.

Charitable giving.
We have continued to make contributions to charitable workers overseas, in fact our commitments abroad and those at home are more or less equal. We have supported local charities and we have made charitable grants to worthy causes. We have made continued financial contributions to Polio Plus. I recall that this enormous Rotary effort came on the scene soon after I joined the club some twenty or so years ago. Jerry Duckett was in charge. I am sure that most of us, then, though seeing the idea as one of enormous importance and benefit, must have wondered, deep in our hearts, if the elimination of polio throughout the world could ever be achieved. Now, we have been told, that we are very nearly there. This is something of which “Rotary the World Over” if I can use the words of our final toast, can be very proud.
Almost finally I would like to thank the Club for agreeing to make donations to two causes dear to me. I was grateful to the Coronary Care Unit at Warwick Hospital for the way in which they restored me to a more or less healthy life after my, if I can use the correct medical term, myocardial infarction. As one who was but recently found to be diabetic I have become more aware of the work of that Hospital’s Diabetic Unit. For the donations the club made to each of these - both they and I are extremely grateful.

Almost finally, I thank the Club for the support it has given this elderly gentleman during the past twelve months.

In a matter of about a minute I divest myself of the highest office in the Club and pass it on to Rotarian Philip Southwell.
Philip is an ex-RoundTabler and has been a member of this club since 1996 and, among other things, has been the Club’s Honorary Secretary.
Professionally he is one who bucked the trend, not a poacher turned gamekeeper but a gamekeeperer turned poacher. After successfully assisting Her Majesty’s Treasury in extracting the maximum it could from our pockets he went over to the other side, I suppose you could say, and began a kind of Robin Hood life of helping the population at large pay as little as possible into the coffers of that great Robber Baron.
We all know how hard he has worked for the club in the past, this augers well for the year to come.
Now, fellow Rotarians, I ask you to stand whilst I pass on the burden, and the jewel of office to my successor and place in his charge the Club’s Charter.


May I ask him, as his first action, to invest Joy with the jewel of The President’s Lady.

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Archive: 2001-2 | 2002-3 | 2003-4